При совершении операций на внебиржевом рынке Форекс возможность получения прибыли неразрывно связана с риском получения убытков. Обращаем внимание, что при совершении операций клиенту не переходят право собственности и иные права на базовые активы. Уважаемый клиент! Информируем Вас об изменениях в правовых документах на сайте, которые вступят в силу через десять календарных дней после опубликования данного уведомления на нашем сайте.

  Stochastic processes are those that change in a seemingly random way. This applies to many activities of human endeavor including science, technology, and finance. In finance, in particular, this refers to the attempt to make sense of the apparently random association between series of price data. The technical indicator known as the Stochastic Process […]
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  The USD/JPY currency pair is one of the most commonly-traded currency crosses in the FX market, second only to the EUR/USD. This cross rate is an indicator of the relative interest rate outlook of two of the most important economies on the planet, and as such it is key to determining future global economic […]
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As a veteran trader, my secret for market analysis is to stick to the technical. We all know that markets rise and fall on the basis of economic forces, but often these only become apparent after the event. Technical analysis, and particularly money management, can keep you primed for that next big move. Gold, arguably […]
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Hello and welcome to the Forecast section of FXPN. I’m Nigel Kersh, and I’ve been looking at the technical chart of the USD/EUR cross. This is an interesting market due to the current fluctuations of fortune of the Euro currency in light of the historic exit of the UK from the European Union. This cross […]
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Whether you follow fundamental trading methodologies in your trading, or whether you’re a dyed-in-the-wool technical analyst, the most significant triggers in your trading are calendar events. So, what exactly is the economic calendar and which numbers are the most important? Many traders treat the global economic calendar as another trading tool. This is hardly surprising […]
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  There’s no denying that investing rewards the methodical, whether you consider it an art or a science. For winners, it’s not the amount of information you have that brings success for you; it’s how you use it. One of the best sources of information to tap is market sentiment. Here’s how you can evaluate […]
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Did you know you can trade equities and equity indices without owning a product or asset? With contract-for-difference (CFD) trading, you don’t need to have a lot of money to speculate in the market.   You can get access to assets or products you wouldn’t typically trade because of lack of money since you only […]
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At the beginning of your trading quest, you will be faced with a searing psychological question. As you look at yourself in the mirror, you will need to ask yourself the most quintessential question. Who am I…. as a trader? This is not the voice of some unexpressed existential angst. This is the critical first […]
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No matter how new you are to trading as a whole, you’ve probably heard of cryptocurrencies. In the past few years, Bitcoin has been everywhere on the news, with some people hailing it as the new future alternative to all other world currencies. In terms of Forex trading, cryptocurrencies are treated like every other asset […]
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When you first looked at a trading chart did you stare in disbelief that anyone could make sense of the mass of bars, squiggly lines, and zigzags? I know I did. Making sense of trading charts has to be the most basic of requirements when you want to begin trading. The understanding of how to […]
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